
Showing posts from January, 2022

Funding to conduct Success and Health Planning

 COFA begins 2022 with funding to help community members set goals and improve the quality of their lives. Success ambassadors will be trained to mentor and conduct community-level outreach to inspire homeless and substance abusing individuals to set goals and take steps to remove barriers to success and healthy outcomes. A special initiative was also launched in 2021 at JFK high school targeting seniors to help them set post-graduations plans. A few slots remain to hire Success Ambassadors. Call 216-883-5036 for more information. 

African Presence in the Bible

Join us this Wednesday at 6:30 pm on Zoom and Facebook for 2nd of a 6 week study of the African-Presence in the Bible. It is taught by Bishop Tony Minor, a former student of the scholar Dr. Charles Copher, Phd. who was known the Father of Blacks in the Bible.  

Sermon on Daniel: "Some things I just won't do"


Winter Planning (Click Here for More Info)

  For Members Only.   Join us for our Winter Planning on Wednesday, January 5, 2021 on Zoom at 6:30 a.m. We will hear an Annual Report (statement of major accomplishments) from Bishop Tony Minor and see the roll-out of COFA's new website (  We will also at look at our winter 2022 calendar and will appoint chairpersons of upcoming special events.

Ministry Development Workshop (Click Here to View)

Do you have a call on your life? Are you looking to be equipped to engage in the work of ministry? Join Bishop Tony Minor for an Introduction to the Call to Ministry on this Saturday at 9:00 am on Zoom. Email to register and you will receive login information.   The call to ministry is diverse and vast.  Many are called (or compelled) to many different things. Unfortunately, far too many people view many from the lens of preaching or sitting in the pulpit.  We will learn and agree that ministry is the "act of serving."  What is important is the training, the equipping for the work of ministry. Join us as we explore the concept of ministry and the appropriate process to determine and find your specific calling.  You can also call 216-883-5036 to express your interest in attending this free session.

New Year's Eve Service (Click Here to View)

We would like to thank all who joined us for our New Years Service either live or viewing it on one of our platforms.  The service and the "word" was a call for a personal review, a time to take a personal inventory and make adjustments for the new year.  It was pointed out that generally there is a call for a time of visioning--a process to "write the vision and make it plain." While we discussed the concept of vision, we agreed that our challenge is not that we do not see or discern the vision for the future. Most often, we can visualize and actually know the steps that must be taken to reach it.  The problem is how we respond to the journey. Sadly, we allow distractions and interferences to hinder the journey.  We lose focus and, at times, we turn back or allow the vision to be derailed because of outside hindrances. We declared that it is a time for a reset.  The reset as we discussed is actually a new approach to how to respond to these forces. We used the phas