Bishop Tony Minor: Brief outline of the workshop on "Using your voice for Masses" to the National Public Action and Religious Liberty Conference in Atlanta.

I was very happy to encourage churches to be a light and to use their voices for the common good.

Here are a few points from my workshop:

1) A voice is both audible and doable. Yes, we are encouraged to speak up and speak on behalf of the "least of these."  We must use our strong voices to stand up  and stand with the oppressed and the downtrodden.  However, we can use our voices by what we do. When we do and engage in ministry we are also using our "voice."  We must ...Walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

2) Be willing to speak “truth to power” followed by  real ministry. We are to study the issue and take a stand. We must discern the "current moment" like the Old Testament prophets who stood for the poor and the widow.

3) Establish a Civic Action Committee at the church. Carry out a public policy component and a program component.

4. Hold an issues forum to determine your issues.

4) Teach your church to engage in advocacy.


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