Virtual Reading Camp

For Immediate Release

Bishop Tony Minor announced that Community of Faith Assembly will revise it 2020 Rising Tides Summer Program in light of COVID-19 to a Virtual Reading Enhancement Program for 2nd and 3rd Graders. It will run for eight weeks and include incentives, prizes and special family based activities. Each participating family will receive a computer and free two months of wifi services. He further announced that the program will be augmented by a Leadership Camp for pre-teens who will serve as online tutors/monitors and will manage the online learning tools in concert with a Masters Level Reading Specialist. He noted that "this will be a different type of summer and it is important that the Black Church adjust but continue its prophetic witness of transformation, learning and advocacy."  To register your youth, please call the church immediately as space is limited at 216-883-5036 and to receive an orientation package.


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