This Week at COFA/May 19th


This Week at COFA

May 19, 2024 

Pentecost Sunday

Special Announcement

Today, is Pentecost Sunday, also called Whit Sunday. It is a special day of the church which takes place on the 50th day from Easter. Pentecost is a Greek word that means “fiftieth.”  It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31). 

We also see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with Power (Acts 1:8) as the Birth of the Church. We celebrate because the Holy Spirit is the life of the church and fulfills the promise of Jesus to a send another ( John 14:16).

General Announcements

Summer Camp: Enrollment for a free, eight-week summer camp for youth, age 6-17. The camp officially begins on Saturday, June 10th running from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The camp includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Camp activities include arts and crafts, sports and games, educational enhancement, drama and spoken word, and field trips. Participants must sign a parent agreement, contact information, and special needs for each youth participant.

Men’s Fellowship Reentry Outing: The Men’s Fellowship will continue its outreach ministry to the Nancy McDonnell Correctional Center, 3540 Croton Road, Cleveland, Ohio, on THIS Monday, June 17th at 6:30 p.m., continuing each third Monday.  The men share personal testimonies and provide biblical support and spiritual guidance. Men receive success planning services and linkages to social, educational, and employment services through Project HELP.  All members are invited to join the men at the center.

Evangelism and Trauma Outreach:  Join us this Saturday at 3:30 p.m. SAVE A LOT for the Kick-Off of our Summer Come Alive on Broadway evangelism ministry.  The Trauma Project REAL team will conduct outreach this Saturday in the Buckeye (116th) corridor. More information to come.

Hat's Heels and Hallelujah: Reminder that the event has been canceled. Look for more information soon. 

Project HELP: Community of Faith is here to help you, and those you care about, get to the next level.  Our program works with participants to establish a Success Plan and our team will help link to employment, education services, training, housing, childcare, and other services such as birth certificates and bus passes. Join the computer training and reading program to get a free tablet. Special programming is also available for health and wellness and grief and trauma. See Shavonne Wimberly for more information.

Please focus on the following dates:

Start of Youth Summer Camp (Monday, June 10th)

Father's/Men's Day (Sunday, June 16th)

HGAA Holy Convocation (Tuesday, June 18th - 22nd)

Men's Fellowship Prayer Breakfast (Saturday, June 29th)

Church Picnic (Saturday, July 20th


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