Saturday, July 27, 2024

This Week at COFA 072824

Community of Faith Assembly

5949 Engel Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44127

Bishop Tony Minor

Pastors Debra Shaw and Derrick Fellows

This Week at COFA

July 28, 2024

Summer Camp Blessings

This week we closed camp with a star-studded musical and play.  Our youth sang, danced and showcased their skills. They presented a play on bullying and community violence. What a summer and thanks so much to our staff of adults and teens!  A summer of fun, learning, growth and development. 

Friendships were made and many were enhanced. Some were even healed.  What a summer?  We applaud all our youth and YOU workers who stepped up to the plate with maturity and sincerity.  

Each year the Bishop selects a Camper of the Year. It was so very unanimous that young Carson Sullivan was the choice.

We also thank our Boys Ministry for using their muscle to help with the move from Broadway.  We look forward to our Back to School Bash (Sunday, August 18th) and the launch of our age focused Youth Institutes this fall focusing on life skills, reading and STEM, and college prep and enhancement. Look for the announcement soon of two of our recent graduates selected to serve as paid YOU Fall Interns. 

Project HELP on the Move

The goal of Project HELP is to help adults and families move out of poverty and into full employment with a living wage.  We have many shining stars but one, Jason Willis, stands out and is an example of resilience and perseverance,.  From completing a Success Plan, completing an application, to applying, enrolling, and completing a truck driving course at Tri-C, he persevered after rejection to rejection before landing a job with with his employer of choice. 

He is now fully  employed and training on the open road. He last checked in while resting in Spokane, Washington, as he is training with an instructor on the open road. Our question is, who is our next Shining Star? Whatever your dream or goal, it all starts with enrolling by calling 216-883-5036.  

Friends and Family Day/Community and Church Picnic

Mark your calendar for our Friends and Family Day on Sunday, August 18th beginning with our worship service at 10:30 a.m. featuring our Mass Choir and famous Youth Praise Dancers. It will be a glorious day as celebrate our Lord Jesus and thank him by showcasing our fully renovated Worship and Global Event Center. We will conclude with a Community Open House and cookout with our neighbors and friends. Be sure to bring family and friends. 

The day will also include a Back to School Bash as we pray over and encourage our Young Scholars. Supplies and book bags will be available for those in need. Sign up for our “adopt a scholar” program and help a student become fully equipped for the school year. 


Wednesday Bible Study–This week online at 6:30 p.m. with Pastor Derrick Fellows.

The Church Office will be closed this week for renovations. Office hours will resume Tuesday to Fridays from 10-1.

Clothes and other household items are needed for a Project HELP family who experienced a fire and is basically starting over. Call the office for needed items. 

From the Desk of the Bishop:

Today’s Word of Encouragement is entitled “In the Beginning God.” It is one of my favorite sermons and illustrations. It encourages us to fall in love with God again. Not only God, but we should seek to regain the fervor for study, medication, and prayer. Sadly, too much of our dedication and focus occurs during the time of trouble. 

In those moments, we are “locked in” with a sincere dedication as we pray for healing and deliverance. 

Do you remember your dark days and lonely moments? 

Do your remember when you had to start over and when your life was on fire? 

Do you recall your focus and intensity during those moments?  

It was a beginning of a new start and it was you and God. My prayer by this sermon, “In the Beginning God,” will compel us to recapture those times of focus and intensity.

As we move through the week, can you:

Remember your relationship with God

Isaiah 44: 21

Remember all the Commandments of God

Numbers 15: 39-40

Remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you

Deutoronomy 8:2

Remember it was God who Brought you Out

Matthew 16: 5-12

Take Action/Commitment your Heart

Deuteronomy 1:8

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